It’s completely natural for prospective chin surgery patients to have a lot of questions as they’re planning out these cosmetic procedures, and chin augmentations have blown up in popularity throughout the United States for a whole array of reasons.
We’ve teamed up with the chin surgery dallas experts at Dallas Surgical Arts to answer the following list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about these surgeries. So if you’re thinking about getting a chin augmentation surgery in the coming months ahead, be sure to scroll through the below questions and answers to see if your concerns are addressed!
Why Should I Get A Chin Augmentation Surgery?
Chin augmentation surgeries help patients everywhere when it comes to improving the aesthetic proportions of their facial appearances. There are countless facial variations and concerns that people have when it comes to being curious about chin surgery, but the end results always have patients feeling more than satisfied about how they look in the mirror.
These cosmetic results then can have a ripple effect for a patient’s life, and self-confidence boosts are a given when investing in chin augmentations!
Is It Obvious When Someone Gets Chin Surgery?
What’s really great about cosmetic chin surgeries is that the results are always very subtle, and this is largely because the purpose of this procedure is to balance out an individual’s facial appearance.
And these surgical incisions are often done underneath the patient’s chin, so it’s virtually impossible for anyone to recognize that any work has been done!
What Other Cosmetic Procedures Often Coincide With Chin Augmentations?
Although chin augmentations are often conducted alone, they are also a small part of a more comprehensive cosmetic package. Many patients will also address their facial balance with other procedures alongside their chin surgery, which is why neck lifts and facelifts are also common cosmetic procedures that coincide with chin augmentations.
Does Chin Surgery Change A Patient’s Neck Appearance?
Chin surgeries often help a patient improve their neck appearance by making it seem slimmer and firmer.
Many times a cosmetic surgeon will suggest a neck lift or liposuction to go alongside a chin augmentation so that the patient can obtain even more definition to their jawline and neck area.
How Does A Chin Implant Change My Facial Appearance?
Chin implants do wonders for a patient’s overall facial appearance because our chins are largely responsible for the aesthetic balancing of our necks and faces.
Men are often considered to be more handsome and attractive when they have strong jawlines and chins, and women are revered as more beautiful when their chins are daintier.
So chin balance is crucial for both men and women!
How Does Chin Augmentation Surgery Impact A Patient’s Nasal Appearance?
Our chins and noses go hand-in-hand with one another when it comes to facial appearance, because a small chin will make a nose appear larger (and vice versa).
So when a patient gets a chin augmentation, it helps make their nose appear smaller. This then does wonders for a patient’s facial proportions.
How Long Do Chin Implants Last?
Chin implants are always a permanent solution for every cosmetic patient, and they’re much more reliable than breast implants and other types of implants that often require replacements.
So you can be rest assured that your chin implant investment will undoubtedly last you for the rest of your life!
Contact The Chin Surgery Dallas Specialists To Learn More!
There are so many reasons why you should be excited about the prospects of getting a cosmetic chin surgery, and the above FAQs and answers are just the beginning in terms of everything you should know prior to jumping into these procedures.
You can learn more about chin augmentations by going through the hyperlink at the top of the page to the Dallas Surgical Arts website!